Obscene intensification of adjectives (a bit NSFW)

XKCD, a ‘webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language’, presents a hand-drawn chart of the frequency with which ‘fucking adjective‘ or ‘adjective as shit’ can be found in web search results.

Well, with the Bing Ngram data, we can provide more exact figures which don’t depend on all of the choice and ranking decisions made by a search engine to include or not a page in a result, and (in particular) the estimate of the number of pages on which the term appears.

So, I can say that ‘fucking free’ is the most common ‘fucking adjective‘ pair (though one suspects we’re not talking about free-as-in-speech here); followed by hot, hard, young, hardcore, black, awesome, big, white, old, sexy, good, great, amazing, huge, blonde, naked, asian, nude, sweet, crazy, horny, and hotttttttttt. And the least likely are lap-straked, cortico-hypothalamic, cloven-hooved, cloven-footed, Malayo-Polynesian, most-favored-nation, and neo-Lamarkian.

Science marches on.

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